We believe in the only one true Triune God Who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
We believe in the only one true Triune God Who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.


We believe that Jesus Christ, God’s only son, is our only Lord, Christ, the Savior of our world, is God, and He and the Father are One. We believe that Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, and Jesus was born to redeem us on the cross. He suffered, died, and was buried; on the third day, He was resurrected and ascended into heaven. He sits at the right handoff our Father.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the perfect God and the perfect Man; he will come again to judge the world and establish his kingdom.
We believe that the holy Spirit is also God, He came from Father and Son, The Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit are equally worthy to be worshipped and honored.

We believe that the Old and New Testaments are God breathed and that the original manuscripts are infallible. The Bible is our Ultimate guidebook for our belief and actions.
我們信我們是照著神的形像被造,因始祖犯 罪,與神隔絕。只有悔改信主者才可重生,將來復活,得永生。
We believe that we were created according to God’s images. Because of the First Adam’s original sin, we were separated from God. To be born again, resurrected in the future and to have eternal life, we must repent, and accept Christ.

We believe we will be resurrected in the future. The believers will have eternal life; the unbelievers will perish forever.
我们相信新约教会是眾信徒聯合所成之體。基督是元首,由聖靈重生者所組成. 教會旨在信徒通过崇拜,傳播福音,在生活上成為基督的見證人,在全地拓展神的國度。
We believe that New Testament Church is the universal entity constructed by all born-again Christians through the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ our Lord, is the head of the Church. The objectives of the church are to worship, evangelize, being a witness for Christ and further God’s kingdom on earth.
House of Joy Christian Church



《愛與謹守》11⧸07⧸21 主日信息
